The Polish Centre of Vocational Excellence in Panevėžys, Lithuania
Two project managers from Pomeranian University in Słupsk, namely professor Marek Łukasik and dr Waldemar Kunz, took part in an important training and project management meeting in Panevėžys, Lithuania, between 6-8 October 2021.
Along with three other participants from Poland from T. Tański Secondary School of Mechanics and Logistics in Słupsk, and the Chamber of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises in Szczecin, our researchers represented the Polish Centre for Vocational Excellence, which was established within the framework of the 3LoE Project.
The introductory part allowed all partners to introduce themselves and present the objectives, organisation, and tasks of each of the seven Centres of Vocational Excellence. The training part was devoted to dual vocational training, and in particular looked into the methods and tools that could be implemented at various stages of such dual courses. The project management part focussed on the organisational and financial aspects of the project. Professor Marek Łukasik presented two evaluation concepts prepared by the project team from our University, and outlined a training in advanced digital skills that our lectures will organise in a few week’s time. The team also discussed important organisational matters with the project leader, Hansa Parlament from Hamburg.
The 3LoE project aims at training specialists in a variety of fields related to the green economy. In particular, partners will implement a range of professional training, dual vocational courses, and dual Bachelor studies, among other measures, to meet the project goals. These objectives are realised at international and national level, the latter within national Centres of Vocational Excellence. The main tasks of our University are to launch dual Bachelor studies in “Logistics - Green Supply Chains”, to offer additional courses, including in “Management of sustainable economic activity”, and to evaluate a number of training courses implemented by other partners. One of the overarching aspects of the project is close cooperation between the educational stakeholders and the business sector.
Pomeranian University in Słupsk is one of the 23 international partners in the 3LoE project. Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (strategic partnerships), the project is realised between the years 2020-2024.
Project website: