APp4Słupsk: A mobile application developed by Pomeranian University students
APp4 Słupsk is a mobile application which provides information about Pomeranian University in Słupsk, the town, and its surroundings.
The application is addressed to tourists, students, and residents of Słupsk. It reveals the beauty of the town and the region, allows one to quickly find practical information about the town, such as emergency numbers of addresses of in-patient clinics, and provides the essentials about the University to current and prospective students.
APp4Słupsk is available in six languages: English, German, Polish, Russian, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
The application comes with an interactive map, which will help the users find the location of many interesting places described in the app. It also has a phrasebook with audio recordings, whose aim is to assist users in learning some necessary Polish phrases used in various everyday situations, including ones encountered at university.
The application was designed and developed by students of Pomeranian University in Słupsk and their scientific supervisors.
Follow the links below, download, install and enjoy!
The app is now available on the Google Play Store (Android) and in the App Store (iOS)